Source: Cecil Castelucci
My main peeve is when it's used on large exteriors en masse either as a lazy, quick decision or in a misguided notion of trying to choose the least offensive color to the public. From a maintenance point of view, it's somewhat cheaper to maintain buildings with less of an assortment of colors.
But what is saved in maintenace cost is lost in public perception. It can end up sending the message of "rental" to the observer. It often looks cheap or even an eyesore to the public. Beige buildings can also be overlooked or under appreciated as they fade into their surroundings but are not enhancing their surroundings.

Source: House Beautiful
I see two sorts of overlooked opportunities. The first one is using beige on an entire building that otherwise doesn't have a lot of architectural interest. The other is "beiging" a building that has quite a few architectural and historic qualities. Color should be used both to give some character to a bland building or hide some of it's more glaring flaws. Color should also be used to highlight wonderful elements on great architecture.
Now, keep in mind that setting is everything and each of these buildings is located in neighborhoods that boast vibrant architectural color as well as buildings from many different eras.
I see this above building virtually everyday when I drive my older son to high school. It's in a wonderful neighborhood which is home to two art schools and residential homes of many inspiring, unique exterior color palettes. While not actually a terrible beige, it's just missing out on something better. It's an interesting building that would lend itself to separating out some of it's layers.
It could stay relatively monochromatic or have a little more contrast and color. Since this is one of the taller buildings on this street, I'd probably not go nuts with the levels of color which could overwhelm the rest of the area.
This next building is not far from my office. It's contains rental properties and boasts great Victorian architecture. Why not celebrate that and highlight it's elements?
This apartment building is one of the few mid-century buildings down a long street of residential and rental properties. It has some great stone and woodwork that deserve a more playful hand.
This last building is also on the same street as the previous one and I've probably driven by it hundreds of times without really noticing it. It has some great International Style architecture that I'd love to see highlighted.
Although I'm not a huge fan of cooler white with the lighting situation here in the Bay Area, it's interesting and appropriate to add into the mix sometimes.
Taking the easy or more inexpensive way out of coloring a building can not only end up sending the wrong message to the public, it can broadcast negative feelings to many who encounter it. Thoughtful color is the best gift you can give to not only the inhabitants of your building but to those of us who encounter it on a frequent basis.
Isn't beige horrible? I see it this way and I tell this to my clients. If you're going to hire a Color Specialist, get special color - anyone can choose beige. There are so many other hues that will still be neutral but so much better. You just have to find “the one”.
So many great opportunities for color! Great post, Marie. Now, tell me, when are you going to send these virtual renderings to the building owners? ;)
Hey Marie,
-Love- your virtual suggestions. It's amazing what a little well-placed color can do to define and enhance the form of a structure. Beautiful palettes!
I love how you colourized these buildings - such an improvement over boring beige! It's much more fun to come home to a building with colour & character.
There's a +4,000 sq ft house that's been going up across the street from us since April. It was only around October that I noticed the window frames on the first and second stories are different colours. And that's when I actually paid attention to the finishes and realized that the first story is clad in grey-based beige and the second story is stucco'd in a yellow-based beige. It looks awful! I have no idea why someone would spend likely around 1 million dollars to build a house and then screw up the exterior colours like that.
I love what you have done here...the chosen color palettes and the balance of the architectural elements. Good to know I'm not the only one going around recoloring blah buildings in my head.
Yes, Elizabeth! Driving can be a challenge with so much beige to analyze!
These renderings look so great, Marie! You should definitely present these to the building owners. I do virtual exterior designs, but they take a long time to put together - how long did it take you to do all these for your post?? Anyway, great vision here!!!
Thanks so much Kristie! I think it took about 3 hours total over a couple of days. It's lengthy but good therapy at the same time to try to re-imagine some of these buildings that I drive by every week, lol! Maybe I should get up some nerve and send these in. The worse they could do is ignore me;)
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