I hate to draw predictable, clean lines down the sexes and single out the guys for color fear ( I've certainly experienced male clients who push for more adventurous color at the consternation of their partners!) but this is quite often the case, (sorry guys!) I for one, am married to a man who loves vivid, bright, might I even say, loud colors-so I know you're out there, men!

My job as a colorist is to bridge the desires of both and find solutions that they not only can live with, but love. Sometimes, choices can be ruled out based on furnishings, finishes or other elements in the room. Other times, compromises can be made in other ways. The first rooms I turn to for areas of adventurous color are the smaller, less used rooms in a home such as the laundry room (if you're lucky enough to have one!) and powder rooms or guest bathrooms. Tiffany Blue is a fun color I've seen and had requests for in laundry rooms.
Not only are these out the flow with the rest of the home, they are seldom occupied for long periods for time. Also, they don't require a great deal of paint and can easily be repainted if one tires of the color.

Some people are intrigued with the idea of color but have commitment issues when it comes to painting an entire room in an adventurous color. This is when a pop of color in a closet, cabinet or even a drawer may satisfy that need.

Wow! A great way to embrace a little red!
I could see this in my dining room built in cabinets.
Color can fit in anywhere. Even a tiny medicine cabinet!
Also a great way to use wallpaper or contact paper.
Also a great way to use wallpaper or contact paper.

I love the concept of recapturing space in a home and using in new ways. A burst of color personalizes it.
Closet office anyone?
What creative ways have you used to introduce color or use it in harmony with a color phobe in your home?
If you need a color referee or simply some color consulting done for your home or businesses - interior or exterior, please contact me: Marie@ColorMarie.com